Many people around you must be telling you to have placed Affordable Dental Crowns after the root canal procedure. Studies of Dental Crowns Houston show that a dental crown after a root canal treatment increases the chance of the tooth surviving. It is necessary to have a crown after a root canal treatment to save the root-filled tooth. However, your Dental Crowns Houston Tx is the right person to determine whether you need a crown or not.
Why is a root canal done?
A root canal procedure is done to repair and save a decaying tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged tooth, cleaning, disinfecting, filling, and sealing it. A root canal is the most preferred choice over-extraction as the tooth is saved. A missing tooth can cause a lot of dental problems including tooth shifting and deteriorates the bone as well. This is why Dentist 77084 professionals prefer root canals over tooth extraction. However, a tooth will be removed if it is completely damaged.
If you want to avoid root canal treatment, visit when you experience pain or tooth sensitivity. If tooth decay is caught earlier, you can fill the cavities and prevent further infection. When cavities are not filled, it leads to further infection on the tooth nerve, and this is when the root canal is done to remove the infected pulp and save the tooth.
Why is the crown necessary after a root canal?
After the infected pulp is removed, the Emergency Dental Services Near Me will clean and fill the canal with temporary filling and medication. During the next visit, the temporary filling will be removed, and the root canal filling will be inserted. It seals the tooth and prevents further infection.
So, root-filled teeth are more likely to break than healthy teeth. This is why the Dental Crowns Near Me dentist suggested placing a crown on the tooth to protect it. Moreover, if you want to have a pearly white smile, you’ll need a crown to cover the root-filled teeth and restore them to their normal shape and size. A crown can make your tooth stronger and help enhance its appearance.
If the root canal is done at the back molars, crowns are necessary to help to chew the food. However, a front tooth with little decay and not broken does not need a crown after the procedure.
In short, dental crowns are used when there is not enough tooth structure to support a filling. You can get the Same-Day Crowns Near Me option. The best option is to get a crown and there are several types of crown and Dental Crown Replacement so that you can choose according to your budget. Your dentist will explain it during the root canal procedure.
We hope you liked this article and now you know if you need a dental crown after a root canal or not, you can visit your nearby dentist for more information he will provide you whatever information you need.